Mansfield Sand Quarry: A Hub for Biodiversity and Sustainability

\"\"Nestled within Nottinghamshire lies Mansfield Sand Company where a unique harmony between industry and wildlife thrives. Here, amidst the quarry\’s activity, Kestrels, Hobbies, Peregrine Falcons, Ravens and Sand Martins find refuge, thanks to Mansfield Sand\’s commitment to sustainability and biodiversity.

Phil Jackson, Health, Safety & Environmental Manager for Mansfield Sand, expresses his joy at witnessing the birds flourish. \”Seeing young Kestrels fledging out of the nest is amazing,\” he remarks. \”It\’s wonderful to see nature thriving alongside our operations.\”
Sustainability is at the heart of Mansfield Sand\’s approach. Before each nesting season, March to August, they modify quarry faces in operational areas to make them less attractive to Sand Martins nesting in them, thereby avoiding any potential conflict between wildlife and work. This ensures that the Sand Martins set-up home safely elsewhere on the quarry where they nest in deep burrows and can breed undisturbed, raising up to three broods of youngsters a year. Operational faces are also regularly checked for evidence of Sand Martin activity, particularly following site closures such as Easter.

\”Our sites are designed for sustainability,\” Phil continues. \”We aim to preserve natural habitats, playing our part in helping these birds to breed safely and increase their populations while meeting industry demands.\” The site has a rich and diverse progressive restoration scheme which will increase the amount of lowland heath to the county once the quarry has been worked out. There is only 250Ha of the threatened heathland in Nottinghamshire and the company will contribute to an additional 24Ha of primary habitat.
Beyond wildlife conservation, Mansfield Sand focuses on responsible sourcing, production, and transportation. Their products meet strict standards with a focus on traceability and minimal processing.

\”We conduct business with integrity and respect for the environment,\” asserts Phil. \”Sustainability is central to our practices.\”

In addition to fostering biodiversity, Mansfield Sand engages with the local community, supporting charities and creating a positive work environment.

As resident and visiting birds continue to nest, Mansfield Sand stands as a model of sustainable industry—a testament to the balance between progress and environmental stewardship.

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